Nesbitt Stops Short Of Cervical Screening Inquiry For Now

Statement by Health Minister Mike Nesbitt on cervical screening reports

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has commented on the publication of two reports on the Southern Trust’s Cervical Cytology Review and Cervical Cancers in the Southern Trust area.

He has, however, been challenged by Colin McGrath SDLP MLA, an opposition health spokesperson, to open up an official inquiry.

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has decided to assess the information following the publication of two reviews into shortcomings in the health system when several women had cervical cancer and were failed by the screening process.

The findings set out in both reports will now be the subject of independent expert analysis.  

Minister Nesbitt said: “I expect this analysis to be completed in the New Year, after which I will decide on the appropriate next steps.

“I wish to again fully acknowledge the distress caused by this review and the shortcomings detailed in the earlier report from the Royal College of Pathologists.

“It is both deeply regrettable and unacceptable.

“It is important to emphasise the improvements in the cervical screening programme implemented in the past year.

“Most importantly, the transformational introduction of Primary HPV testing into the cervical screening pathway has been fully implemented.

“This more accurate approach to screening, together with our HPV vaccination programme, offers the very real prospect of drastically cutting the number of invasive cervical cancer cases each year in NI.

“Screening is intended for those who do not have symptoms.

“If any woman is experiencing any unusual symptoms (such as bleeding or pain) they should not wait for their screening appointment but should contact their GP practice directly.”


McGrath says Minister can’t drag feet on cervical screening inquiry

SDLP Opposition Health Spokesperson Colin McGrath MLA has said that the Health Minister “cannot drag his feet on an independent inquiry into the cervical cancer screening review.”

Colin McGrath was speaking after a review concluded regarding eight women whose smear test results were misread by the Southern Trust and they subsequently went on to develop cancer.

Colin McGrath is calling on the Health Minister to open an inquiry following the publication of two reviews on failings in the health system when several women contracted cervical cancer.

South Down MLA Mr McGrath said: “The revelation that eight women developed cervical cancer after their smear test results were misread by the Southern Trust underlines the seriousness of this situation.

“This is a major scandal and needs to be treated appropriately by everyone involved.

“My heart goes out to all of the women impacted by the recall, but for those who missed the chance for early diagnosis and for the loved ones of those who passed away.

“No apology can ever make up for the ordeal they have been through. These people were failed in the worst way by our health service and there needs to be accountability for that.

“The SDLP has supported the ‘Ladies with Letters’ campaign group throughout this process and in their call for an independent public inquiry into how this was allowed to happen.

“This is key to making sure we never see anything like this again and we feel it’s the only appropriate mechanism given the number of serious medical recalls and reviews we have seen in recent years across the North.

“The Health Minister has indicated he wants to have all the information before making a decision on an inquiry.

‘I can’t see what more he needs to hear than the findings of this review. There can be no more feet dragging or delays. The least these women deserve is an inquiry and I call on the Minister to listen to them and announce one imminently.”

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